ETH Summer School

services/know-how-transfer/eth-summer-school | posted: 19.09.11

Through learning about different tools as well as through working in a team, a more holistic view on the term ‘sustainability’ will be evolved and put into practice by using furniture as a case study.
Highlighting the economical, cultural, environmental and social aspects of sustainability in all its variations is the first intention of this case study. To do so, students will work on a concrete object and learn to approach a complex scope as a whole group by working on the various topics in small teams. Therefore the interchange of the ideas and possible product improvements found in the whole group is of major importance. In terms of content, students will learn to apply life cycle thinking, the principles of sustainable design as well as using different working methods. Furthermore, testing, refining and validating the approaches by putting them into practice through building models or prototypes will accompany the conceptual work. Apart of the internal discussions and presentations, the insights gained will be gathered together and communicated in a written guideline document.

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